-by Stephanie-
In a small yet populated city near Seoul you can find whatever you're looking for in the way of debauchery and communicable diseases. Look no further than 2 blocks from your apartment to find a slew of choice venues for your carnal pleasure.
A couple steps from the entrance of our apartment building you find this overt advertisement for a "massage." The Korean writing states, "Sport's Massage." Ah yes, because it is absolutely necessary that your masseuse wear a skimpy leopard print bikini while she pounds out your "sore muscles."
Another half block and you'll find another massage shop painted across the skyline. Bare-breasted and all it clearly advertises the true nature of its product.
Here is a view of the hopping downtown night life strip. More than half of these bright lights contain sex shops masquerading as singing rooms and massage parlors. This is less than two blocks from our apartment.
I edited out some sensitive material on this next one so it would not be too vulgar, but in broad daylight next to populated apartments and playgrounds these pictures are anything but edited.
Again, self explanatory.
This is a blown up advertisement standing in the middle of a pedestrian walkway descrying the benefits of their "Noraebang" (Korean for singing room). A sexy, scantily clad girl as its spokes person. Now, many companies use this technique, but few truly follow through. Here you know you can get what you pay for. If you're a group of men and with a nod from the owner a couple loose women will be sent to your room to sing with you. They will try and convince you to pay for more once your karaoke time is up.
A plethora of calling cards are stuck into each car parked along the side of the road. It is possible that the owners of these cars are only too happy to pick up the phone, but it is just as likely to be a family with small children out for dinner. In the morning these siren cards will litter the streets for the high school kids to oggle as they walk innocently to the bus.
Another massage parlor hocks its wares.
And the women need not worry, they haven't been forgotten amongst the copious amount of of sex shops catering to middle aged, greasy business men. There is one shop for the middle aged woman seeking a night away from children and husband.
She can even choose what height she most desires.
We were only out for an hour or so taking photos of all the "massage parlors", "singing rooms" and "bars" that were overtly designated for the lecherous pursuits. We took 56 photos of 56 different shops. All within a 2 1/2 block radius of our apartment. And this is in a relatively small city outside of Seoul. I asked one of my Korean friends how one can distinguish between a true massage parlor or singing room and ones that offer "pleasure." She said that generally they just assume that every place has the "pleasure" option. Every massage parlor I have come across has either a half naked women painted across its banner or is open 24 hours. What innocent massage parlor would need these expansive hours I wonder?
When asked what she thought of the sex trade here in Korea, she said, "When I think about this industry I feel ashamed of my country. Although we are a developed nation, this aspect of who we are seems third world. It's very disheartening."
In most of these shops the women are acquiescent, however, some of them may be forced into this life. Women from Thailand and the Philippines are brought over under the rouse of "lounge singing" and so on. Once they arrive at the country, however, they find that they are anything but the previously stated job description.
This happens in almost every country in the world, and America is no exception. It may not be as overt as here in Korea, but it exists nonetheless. Even though in Korea these types of shops are illegal the law enforcement is abysmal and does next to nothing to stop the rampant spread of this malignant evil. If you see any suspicious activities in the States, report it. Our judiciary system prosecutes these kinds of places. At least, for the most part...