Tuesday, December 8, 2009


-by Stephanie-

A squelched cry in the encroaching darkness.
A whimper and a malevolent whisper,
"Close your eyes and open no more.
No one is coming for you, helpless."

There was a fire burning in those
Endless pools of cedar.
The fire has been blotted out,
And there is no life left in that single rose.

The cries of millions rise.
The nations they long to aprise.
Hear their broken melodic cries.
Quash the evil lies.

You can extricate
All the demons we hate
To save our little ones from the fate
And these brothels eradicate.

Lying on a frigid cement floor
With only her rags for company.
Sobbing into the unfeeling night
As another knock sounds from the door.

Another man. Another night.
Shut out all feeling. Close off the heart.
No more crying. No more tears
That reach no ones ears.

Hold close her limbs as cold as ice.
Release all memory of what should be right.
She's only seven and she's
Given up the fight.

These bars are strong. These lights
Are harsh. Staring blindly ahead
The transparent wall reveals
The farce of business men.

Some with families, some with flocks
Caressing her dark locks.
When day comes they are welcomed home
And here she sits all alone.

This is present. This is here.
The faceless evil that we fear.
It's in your city, Even those you know.
Millions of souls they have scraped hollow.

And here she is, beaten and broken.
Down in a cell where the day cannot touch.
You know she's there. You have no excuse,
No alibi for her abuse.

What will you do know that you see?
Will you walk on as before and refuse
The plea to speak, to shout to cry out?
Will you turn and flee?

She was seven, yet now in heaven. By her death
She escaped her gates. But millions more
Still share her fate.
To live in death.
Used for the sake of lust and carnality
In death she is set free
But how long did she live in captivity?

We can save these cherished children of God.
Think of your daughters. Think of your sons
Living in the brothels and slums.

Are you upset? Are you afraid yet?
To stand before the throne on judgment day
And account for all that you delayed?

I fear to break the heart of the God I love
Because I would not stand up for His precious ones.


  1. This is a great message. I have been doing research on this topic as well. It is so horrible to think about, but even more horrible to not DO anything about it!

  2. Bethany, thank you for your note and wise thought.

    This is one of the things we are praying for: that God would raise up more people willing and able, with big hearts, to fight against modern-day slavery.

    Too many people will simply reply, "That's sad..." and DO nothing.

    Keep praying; keep researching.
    We love you!

  3. wow steph. Lots of lines for thought. My heart churns with anguish unsure how to change the curelties that lay ahead for millions day after day. Can we drive out evil or merely bring comfort to those more abused than me by the evils in this world? Jesus did sit with the helpless and brokenhearted. I will do the same. Yet that doesnt change the cycle already put into motion for slavery. How can it change?

  4. Good points Lucas. Those abused definitely do need comforting, but that is not all that we can do. It is really easy to feel depressed and that often turns into a defeatist attitude. If William Wilberforce had fallen prey to that, however, we'd probably still have rampant legal slavery today. All things are possible in Christ.

  5. i love how the Lord works through you steph. continue advancing His kingdom!
