Sunday, November 7, 2010

So Far...

by Steph

So far we've been to Vanderbilt, Univ of Tenn, Univ of Virginia, and Univ of Maryland. It was interesting to see the differences in campuses. At Vanderbilt it seemed there was much interest yet little knowledge on the subject. At Univ of Tenn we spoke at a Navs meeting and there was next to no involvement or inquiry. Univ of Virginia only a dozen or so stopped by, but two were very interested and may want to start a taskforce at their school. Then at Univ of Maryland we were only there two hours because they kicked us out (we were rained out the day before, but didn't think that going the next day would be a problem but it was). But within that two hours more people stopped by than at Univ of Virginia.

Originally we had wanted to focus on nav nights and speak there, but now we see that idea was not as beneficial as what we are doing now. At nav night they didn't  expect such a weighty subject to come up during their fun social hour so they weren't prepared for it. But on the campuses, the only ones that stop by to talk are those that are actually interested. Most of these students had some idea that slavery still exists, but some were unaware that it persists here in America, the land of the free. I hope they remember to go the website, but at least they know about the problem and maybe it will start to pull on their hearts. So I'm glad that our first plan fell through cause God knew better.

Next stop, Rutgers.

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